Ask and ye shall receive:
So. I asked Ibrahim this weekend if he would build me a custom-madebunny cage, because we're moving into a nice new condo this weekend (well, new to us, any way) and having random small animal cages all over the living room floor isn't exactly aesthetically pleasing.
I've been dreaming about The Bunny Condo for awhile, and delved through numerous internet sources to find the Perfect Bunny Space: a roomy furniture-quality space with mesh doors that would swing open for easy access and cleaning. I wanted something that would be practical, attractive enough to be part of the furniture, and spacious enough for my little furchildren. It's even got wheels so I don't have to break my back moving it and forth for daily cleaning.
I drew a picture of my Dream House (dream house for the bunns any way), showed it to Ibrahim and three days later, and several hundred dollars poorer, I have a gorgeous bunny condo, replete with a hopping-up shelf for my aerially-inclined lapine companions, a large litterpan, and a second floor loft exclusively for Neimur, the baby guinea pig who seems content enough to sit in a square foot litterpan and sleep all day despite his spacious accomadations. Ellie, a five year old rescue cavy who we dubbed "the cranky old lady with a cane" doesn't like the little one afoot, but seems to coexist peacefully with rabbits down on the first floor of the condo, and spends most of her time dozing in the litterpan as well. The bunnies have litter trained her in a matter of a few hours too; magic bunnies!
Ibrahim is busy finalizing the finishing touches: a nice stain to match my new solid oak dining room table (see above picture).
Mmmm. Real furniture.
I hate moving, but it is soooooo worth it in this case.