Oh, Sandra!
Okay, so one more Wurk related thing, which is kind of funny, actually, and I'm only being half serious when I get all bent-out-shape and upset in this entry.
So, like, nine of ten little elderly patients think I look like Sandra Oh, or Dr. Yang as she's known on the horribly inaccurate but maddingly catchy drama Grey's Anatomy:

Because, uhhhh... can I point out how like, I'm a nurse and Ming Na and Sandra Oh play(ed) doctors on t.v.? Dude, I don't even wear the white lab coat, for that would be The Kiss of Death in the unwritten, unspoken rules of Nursing Dress Etiquette. (Yeah, every once in awhile I get mistaken for a doc by these little old folks and bewildered housestaff I 've never met before. Must be the vague, useless look about me, or something; I haven't figured it out.) Nota bene: Just kidding! Just kidding! Group hug! I love docs; they are good, hardworking people! At least the ones that don't blow off my pages, or answer them out-of-house when they are supposed to be on in-house call).
Okay. So back to debunking the Sandra-Oh-Look-Alike Myth.
For the record: I SO DO NOT LOOK LIKE SANDRA OH, PEOPLE. For one, she's about five feet taller than I am, and all skinny and stuff. Plus, well... (exasperated sigh) LOOK AT HER FACE, FOR CRIPE'S SAKE. It's like saying Britney Spears looks like Gywneth Paltrow because they're both blonde. I mean, GAWD.
Oh well. Uh, at least we're both Korean?
Naw. That still doesn't make it any better. WE DON'T LOOK ALIKE.
I forgive the little old people, because they are cute enough to mention it at all, but seriously, for the rest of you people with eye goo in your peepers who for some reason think all Asian people a) are Chinese b) look alike: SHAME ON YOU. And this is my blog, and I can say whatever I want about people without basic facial recognizition skills.
So there.
Yup, as the roommate said last night re: my asking whether an obviously gay man had convincingly passed for straight during college, "Yeah, like I'm convincingly tall."
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