Snuggle bunnies.
At the risk of sounding like one of those people who can't shut their yap trap about their precious children/pets, I had to share an update and photo chronicling the fast friendship forming between Flipflop, my 10 month old lopeared rabbit and her new foster sister Ruby:

Now before you go thinking the beginning of their friendship has been all joy and rapture, it hasn't. Rabbits are a lot like we suburbanites with our gated communities and vanity license plates. They have strong likes and dislikes about companions of their own kind. I mean, think about it: would you want some random person show up at your doorstep one fine October with all her stuff in tow and proceed to unpack,then flop down down on your couch, and, swiping the remote control to the t.v. out of your hands, casually ask, "Hey, what's for supper?" Yeah, I didn't think so, either.)
But as bunny friendships go, Flip and Ruby have transitioned remarkably well and sans any bunny boxing championships. In a span of twenty four hours, they have gone from tacit tolerance and occasional outbursts of outright annoyance manifested in thumping competitions and mad chases around the cage , to complacently grooming each other and going on marathon snugglefests like true long lost lapine pals. Not that the two don't get into a decidely tart sibling rivalry spat from time to time, but the adjustment has been relatively mild all things considered. (Note: Flip may be farsighted, for she tends to groom Ruby's behind rather than her head, but Ruby at least now graciously presents her face to be groomed when ever Flip makes an error in grooming judgment.)
All right, all right, I'll shut about the damn rabbits now.

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