Piper on the Move
All right, here I go again, publishing photos all out-of-order, again. This is a shot of Piper and me in on Mt Tom Resevoir Trail (I think we screwed up and missed the actual park and wound up getting kind of lost on some scary, closed trail). Piper looks happy, doesn't he? Not to mention ready to go deer hunting in that bright orange track suit.

Wow, I'm wondering if the Northeast sucks people into alternate, unmarked trails, as Jovita and I mistakenly crossed an entire mountain and a completely different city on our CT hiking adventure. The jogging suit is great, by the way.
I think Northeast "hiking/walking" trails are the evil twin to the Bermuda triangle. We felt like we were in a daylight version of the Blairwitch Project. It was creepy, what with the rusty guardrails trailing off into oblivion, and the random broken down tractor trailer equipment scrapped by the side of the path.
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