This is Piper's way of being a Problem Child, I suppose; probably because Toby is around and He Doesn't Feel Loved Any more (the little liar), or so the Jerry Springer show would go. But what on earth is going on here, oh great Pet Psychic? It's kind of like that weird cartoon, CatDog, or something. Or maybe not, since Piper doesn't have a cat head growing out his butt (a cat head growing out his butt that talks to him in English, to clarify the cartoon, or as much of it as I can stand to make out).
And also, we originally set up the kennel for Toby ,who made it clear that it reminded him of being at the shelter, and hasn't gone in it since. Whereas Piper is now playing King of The Castle/Dog Crate, because What's Yours is Mine and What's Mine is Mine in Piperworld, I guess).

Do relate the tale of Toby. And I have no idea what to call that piece of furniture, either-- but, *real wood*! It's right up there under "own house" in terms of unachievable dreams for me.
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