Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Tobster!

Meet our pal, Toby (aka "The Tobster" or "Tobage") our canine friend who is apparently Halloween-friendly what with black fur and the day-glow satanic eyes and everything (ed note: Dog not really satanic, we promise). He's superfriendly, LOVES Ibrahim, and is just as kicked back as Piper. Note the not-so-subtle doggy-passive-agressiveness in the picture below; it's kind of like having kids. If one gets a pat on the head from one of us, the other dog (most notably Piper, who normally would blow us off for a long nap or something) has to hurry over and get his allotted pat on the head, too.
One rainy day we'll share Toby's story with you (nota bene: it's a sad one!). But for today, we'd prefer to show you the spoils of war (or moving, as it were). See above for The Goods. Posted by Picasa


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