Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Free-association moment.

I have this habit of free-associating everything; I listen to a lot of music (wow, there's a statement that should put me right up there with 99.9% of the American population) and have randomly connected the line from the Talking Heads, "Psycho Killer, Qu'est que c'est? Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far far better /Run run run run run run run away!" with Ludacris's "Move, Bitch!" and thought... hmmm, my music choices are giving me advice and counsel on my own life. What does this say about me? Am I having auditory hallucinations?

Okay, so the Talking Heads are talking in my head telling me it will be far better to run away, away, and Ludacris is bitch-slapping me out of complacency with his more urgent and violent, "Move [back south already] bitch."

Coincidentally, just as I began writing this blog, the church bells somewhere (I'll have to investigate exactly where) started playing the theme to Beethovan's last movement of the 9th, commonly known as the "Ode to Joy" so I'm going back now to my highschool days when most of the music appreciation class went around muttering the Schiller poem in German because they were supposed to remember the refrain, or first stanza, or I can't remember, wasn't in the class. "Freude Schoner Gotterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium" is about as far as I can get offhand without cheating and googling it (and shut up, I haven't learned how to do HTML umlauts, so shut up, already.)

Shit. Now I'm going to have that stupid refrain stuck in my head all day. And it's very frustrating not to know any more than the first line of the poem, which is probably why they tortured highschool kids with it, right? (Probably not, but I wasn't in that music appreciation class, and I still learned, well, a sentence fragment of it.)

Also, prior to this whole musical melange, I was also just thinking about how adult life is like highschool, with its own versions of stupid hallpasses and condescending requirements like sick notes. Then I thought, "Wait, but you did really well in highschool, what happened?" And then I realized I must have matured, unlike a lot of the people who now control the size of paycheck and so forth.

Oh God, this is sad.

Now I'm thinking of that little Hoops and Yoyo card I sent a bunch of people with one of the little characters sitting in an office cubicle screaming hysterically "I'm in a CAGE! THIS IS A CAGE!"

Which, incidentally, is exactly how I feel when I have to go to work/am at work.


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