To be filed under, "My favorite allergy symptoms" as noted by patients. Drug, percocet. Allergy symptoms? "It makes me go crazy."
Note patients can't qualify their statements any better than 'it makes me go crazy.' They can't state whether or not the drug makes them actively psychotic, with visual and auditory hallucinations, or makes them feel anxious, or whatever "it makes me go crazy" means to them. So we just write down, "It makes me go crazy." I think if i'm ever admitted to a hospital somewhere, I'll make someone write down "hospitals" as an allergy with the symptom, "They make me go crazy!" I'll have to wait until I'm about eighty five to insist though, because I wouldn't want to buy myself a psych consult for pulling that shit.
I feel slightly better today. I suppose drinking 4L of po fluids in twenty four hours has done me some good. Now I'm fluid bloated and look and feel 3 months pregnant, but whatever.
I don't have the energy to be productive, but I can (and have) sat up, walked around a little bit, and as far as the illness goes, this is a good sign. I've been up for a whole nine hours today! Amazing!
I do have an amazing headache, which is probably a tinge of whatever Ibrahim got (he's got congestion so we can't figure out if it's allergies, a cold, or both). The Walgreen's brand of Claritin-D seems to be taking care of the headache fairly efficiently, though.
The only thing is now I'm addicted to Gatorade, and won't be able to function without it.. I should try to drink some lemon water though, to combat the bloating. This illness is getting ridiculous.
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