You ain't nobody's 'ho, yo!
Could this be you?!
Always feeling as if your boss has the upper hand during meetings to discuss
your failings as an employee and a human being? Ever wish you had a witty
comeback at a time when words seem to fail you? Wishing you could fight fire
with fire and win tedious arguments with your boss and coworkers? Distraught
over negotiation tactics and "people skills" that always seem to backfire when
you least expect it? Don't know what to say to your boss when you're getting
fired, laid off, or you're quitting? Ever wish you could just have someone
like Ludacris stop by and take care of your office meetings and conflicts for
Well, worry no more, we have just the solutions you're looking for!!!
Available for a limited only, this Gangsta Rap Seal Of Approval Special Edition
Interactive DVD, Taking Control of Your McJob, Dirty South Style will give
you the tools you need to manuever your way out of any number of sticky office
situations with a clever wit and style you never knew you had! Never again
will you be made to feel incompetent or like a useless piece of flesh by people
with less attitude and style than you! Try our unique product and see for
yourself: you ain't nobody's ho, yo!
This DVD will show you, step by step, how to get in touch with your inner
gangsta rapsta and always stay one step in front of those bitches and hos you
currently call managers and coworkers. This magnificent DVD provides
interactive scenarios with authentic gangsta rap stars so you can watch,
listen, and learn from the pros! You'll learn valuable argumentive tactics in
modules such as Getting To The Dirty South Punchline First and Meeting With Your
Boss: "'HO NO!" You'll also learn how to avoid the pitfalls of the amateur Dirty
South rapsta, such as over bitch slapping, wardrobe faux pas, and the correct
usage of the terms "bitch" and "'ho."
When you feel comfortable enough to try our method on your own, you can simply
pop the DVD into the machine and press the pause button during one of many
diferent practice scenarios, ranging from Staff Wars to Dealing With Freaky
Hos. You'll know you're ready to face the world with that admirable gangsta
take-charge attitude, style and class when you can rap with the rapstas.
With the help of our new product, you'll soon see yourself the master of your own destiny
and you'll never again worry about being called into the boss's office--we
practically guarantee it!
Buy in the next thirty minutes and you will receive at no extra charge, the
companion refererence card to our DVD, Taking Control of Your McJob Dirty South
Style, for absolutely NO CHARGE. This FREE laminated, full color reference card
is conveniently wallet sized, so you can take it wherever you find yourself
surronded by bitches and hos. Durable enough to withstand even the toughest
office climates--whether it be the Arctic tundra or the bowels of hell-- rest
assured you'll always be prepared with the right answers for situations that are all kinds of wrong!
What are you waiting for?! Don't miss out! Call now toll free!
1-888-END-MCJOB. That's 1-888-END-MCJOB. Hurry and call now, operators are
standing by to take your order!
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