Do you dare wear short shorts...?
Ah yes, Nair commercials from 1987. Lavish large amounts of pepto-bismal pink, toxic smelling, possibly neurotoxic /teratogenic exfoliant on legs and wear slutty looking daisy dukes with pride! Complete with cheesy marketing gimmick!
Any way, lucky for you, I am not going to show you a picture of my pallid looking, winter chapped legs. (And if I ever owned a pair of daisy dukes in my entire lifetime, it would be the parallel universe lifetime, where I was, um, Skinny Marie in a deleted scene from Pretty Woman.)
I am, however, going to astound and amaze you with another kind of daring feat of femininity-turned-feminist: I cut off all my hair!!
Actually, I lie. My mother cut my hair, and I still have some of it left. Sadly, I'm not rich or famous enough to do something really eccentric without getting suspended from my job, like go the Demi Moore/Sinead O'Connor/Natalie Portman route and shave my entire head bald. (On that note: Why on earth would someone as pretty as Natalie Portman shave her head bald? I'm not one of the star-struck people who think everybody under the sun is gorgeous just because the media tells us so--I'm sorry, but Paris Hilton's nose reminds me of a pterodacytl's jaw/beak--but I think there are some genuinely beautiful famous people in this world, and Natalie Portman is one of them. )
And also, as a sidebar: if I ever come back in a time capsule as a stunningly beautiful person please, God, let me come back as Audrey Hepburn. And let me star in Charade because that is my all-time favorite movie , at least from the year 1963. The remake The Truth About Charlie sucked, and I didn't even watch it. I mean, hello: Mark Wahlberg?! Thandie Newton?! What were they thinking?! Did the casting folks put random names into a hat, close their eyes, and draw out bits of paper?! How about casting Triumph, the Comic Insult Dog while we're at it?! Jerks.)

Hey... maybe now that I've lopped off all my hair, people will stop with that godawful annoying "you-look-like-Sandra-Oh" line...
Hey, I like it-- and speaking of Natalie Portman, it does look like her *current* pixie hairstyle, which I think is great on her (tho' it did make her look curiously like Winona Ryder).
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