Good day, Sunshine!
...of which we're having little (sunshine) these days. Just sleet and freezing rain. Mmm mmm good!
Because I am a truthful woman, I must dutifully report--at risk of jinxing the rest of my week--that this weekend was uncommonly good at work. My patients were all nice, normal folks, and I even got to do teaching with a patient, who wanted to know more about his diagnosis. Imagine that-- a patient wanting to learn something. It was a beautiful Kodak-y nursing moment, but it also caught me off guard, and I probably looked like something of a stammering idiot, because how often do I actually have patients who aren't deaf and/or demented and therefore good teaching candidates?
Frankly, my favorite patient response to diagnosis teaching--from a guy who looked a lot like Jerry Garcia minus a few teeth--was a good natured "Honey, don't bother with that stuff. I likes my whiskey over the weekend and I ain't likely to stop it." Fair enough. We got along just fine, and he was a lot of fun (the good kind) especially since he christened me "Kim" and called me "that little Oriental nurse." Which was endearing and cute, somehow, coming from him, whereas if any one else had tried that stuff they would have received a fifteen minute pedantic lecture on the perils of stereotyping and a copy of Edward Said's Orientalism free of charge.
I had a nice, lazy day off with Ibrahim yesterday, too. We ran errands, ate out, watched a Harry Potter DVD for the fify billionjinth time out of sheer laziness (the nearest Blockbuster is about 2 miles away. It was just too far, man) and read and knit a little bit. Sometimes having "no life" is a very good thing indeed.
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