Why I (heart) My Patients.
Oh, for the love of Saturdays. Contrary to popular belief, Saturdays on a hospital floor are notoriously busy, because Saturdays follow Fridays, which are days when whole floors get discharged on day shift, and a whole new floor admitted, half of which comes up from the ED at 11:00p.m. Friday night.
Saturday day shift is the Clean Up Crew, and the Dealing with Overwrought Family Members Who Can't Understand Why Uncle Ned Has To Stay In The Hospital Another Day Because No, We Don't Have a Star Trek Wand Thing to Pass Over Him To Diagnose and Treat the Patient Instantaneously and Send Him Home. If we could do that, Uncle Ned would have been already seen and discharged by one Dr. Beverly Crusher. And also, Uncle Ned would be in outer space, on a spaceship, in the year 3850.
Saturdays are not fun days, and are generally spent playing a very dull, deeply annoying grown up variation of "hot potato" with patient issues, at least if you're cranky housestaff. Example: Blood pressure 80/50? Patient not looking so hot? Housestaff Solution: Call me back in an hour if patient's blood pressure is <90.>Nurse's intuitive response: Uh. Patient's pressure is less than 90. Now.