The Skinny
I know, no one has been wondering: Where have I been all this time?
Where, indeed, my friends. Where, indeed.
I went to Florida to visit my parents this weekend. And while taking part in the customary visiting of parents (and their one-year-old Westie, Patrick, who looks suspiciously like my ten-year-old Piper, except with a lot more exhuberance and "Whhuzzhuh?") I also went shopping. For stuff. Seriously.
Since I've lived the last ten years (college and graduate school, plus Graduate School: The Sequel) in abject poverty, this having a Real Job thing and having Real Money thing has revolutionized the way I spend money. That is to say, I actually have money now, and can spend it. No lies! It's true!
So I bought Stuff I Needed: like a new pair of Nikes to replace those that have more than quadrupled their lifespan and need to be retired, stat. I also bought new scrub tops with the crucial bottom pockets to replace those with the breast pocket tops, because a nurse cannot live alone with one top pocket, out of which floweth saline flushes, alcohol swabs and tuberculin syringes every time she leans over to hook up her patient's IV fluids. I also bought a pair of chunky heeled Mary Janes on sale, because dammit, they were on sale, and I wanted them. So there.
I also had to buy a new pair of jeans and dress pants, because lo, my size two jeans and dress pants I bought in May don't fit any more. I have lost about 10-12 lbs this summer, going from a mildly svelte 5'1", 107-109lbs down to 98lbs soaking wet. Ergo, I am now hanging out in size 0 pants, my size 2s having an excess 3-4 inches around the waist. I could pull my pants from my waist, as in those Weight Loss Commercials. Kinda scary.
My doctor suspects hyperthyroidism. I suspect work, moving and general stress is the culprit and secret to my weight loss success. That and being totally clueless I was losing any weight until about a month ago, when people at work started commenting on my weight.
I haven't been under 100lbs in years. It's nice, but now I have to worry about gaining it all back again, and feeling like a bona fide fat ass. Yuck.
Back to work today. The dog is looking at me from a corner, as if to say, "Stay home and hang out with me!" I only wish I could.
I *have* been wondering where you've been. Et maintenant, il faut que j'ecrisse (?) en francais, parce que le mec pour qui je suis tombee amoureuse, il est aussi dans le lab. Il est passe pres de moi, et je ne suis pas sure s'il m'a vu ou non. Mais de tout facon, tout mon courage, il est sorti-- je ne sais pas ce que je dois faire. Ce n'est pas une bonne chose qu'il n'a dit rien a moi. Oh, the humanity.
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