Wednesday, November 02, 2005

And then there was one

So after all was said and done, we couldn't keep Toby due to his overt and chronic interest in our bunny friends. Ibrahim came home last night to a slightly ajar cage door, two very frightened bunnies huddled behind our couch in a puddle of wide-eyed fur, and evidence everywhere that a not-so-friendly game of Dog-and-Rabbit-Chase had taken place in the wake of our work absences. (Yes, the bunnies are unscathed! Miracle bunnies!)

We took him back to the shelter today and I felt like The World's Shittiest Human Being, but the animal control officer was all very understanding (while probably secretely thinking, "You bastards!"). Toby, however, seemed undisturbed by the whole thing. Perhaps he's spent so long "on the inside" that this weekend was the doggy equivalent of happy-fun-time parole and he didn't really expect to be sprung for good (even the animal control officer likened his weekend to "a spa vacation weekend").

Meanwhile, Piper is typically nonplussed about the whole thing. Sometimes its hard to gauge his reactions to life events because he's so mellow. (I'm starting to seriously wonder where he's been keeping his stash of Mary Jane).

In non-pet news (yes, I realize there are other things to talk about), we are loving our new place. It's so, uh... for lack of a better word, grown up what with the wall-to-wall carpeting, real solid wood furniture (with names we can't even fathom!), and washer and dryer. It's also amazingly quiet around here, especially after living in the hub of a busy urban hellhole situated within a five block radius of two major area hospitals. It's so quiet I can actually drop off to sleep at night minutes after my head hits the pillow, instead of listening to various drug deals below my window go sour and the typical sirens and noise that follows.

A good night's rest is no small thing, espcially since The Night From Hell. It was a revolving door of issues; every time I stablized one patient, another one would have start having chest pain, or start oozing out of their nice new dialysis port, or sundown and start kicking and screaming at the nurses. Bottom line, I was still finishing up the paperwork to my 5p.m. admission at 9p.m. and still passing 10 o'clock meds at 11p.m. I finally finished with my paperwork at 12:30a.m. I. love. my. job. I. love. my. job.

And just think! It's possible I get all of my assignment back today! And tomorrow!


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