I'm Ready For My Close Up Now, Mr. DeMille...

This is the artsy-fartsy picture, the one I had to screw around with on iPhoto because the original picture was actually pretty blurry. Our digital camera has seen better days and we need a new one, but with my loss of will to live (or be gainfully employed, any way) it's probably not going to happen soon. So like everything else we own, we're going to have to use it until it absolutely falls apart and can't be salvaged out for any useable parts.
Any way, check out the crack 'ho visible collarbone look! Tres chic!
I swear I'm not as narcissistic as I seem; I had one of the dog (who loathes being photographed, and so I had to be cruel and lie to him and say "Wanna go for a walk?!" so he'd perk up and look at the camera. Which is like, animal abuse, I know, but he won't look at the camera any other way. ) Any way, that one turned out all blurry too, and iPhoto isn't cooperating with his million-dollar (okay, five cent) makeover photo either, so it'll have to wait.
By the way, if I were a Sunset Boulevard character, I'd definetely be the guy they find face down floating in a pool.
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