Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Cheney's Got a Gun

Okay, so the world is probably way, way over the fact that while hunting, the Vice President mistook a lawyer for a quail, but this is my homage to world events in a blog full of self-indulgence and egocentrism. (As one of my friends at work pointed out, the time is ripe for someone to spoof Aerosmiths "Janey's Got a Gun." Why hasn't it happened yet, why?)

So, uh...

The Olympics. They are happening, currently, from what I hear. All I know is that Michelle Kwan bowed out due to a "groin injury" and someone named Sara(h) Cohen is all stoked to become America's New Skating Sweetheart, or whatever NBC Good Morning America will dub her.

And uh, other stuff is happening in the world, too, the end.

Ugh. If I were to nursing diagnosis myself on a nursing care plan, I would write "Knowledge deficit related to occupational narrowmindedness, as evidenced by inability to form coherent time table of relevant current events, both national and international." And for the "plan" part I'd write, "Patient will verbalize understanding of at least one major political or social current event per day, giving an accurate, brief synopsis of said event."

Oh no.

This reminds me strongly of when I did my inpatient psych clinical, and they would do daily "Life Strategies" modules for the crazy people. And one of the things they did is talk about what day it was and some of the major events in the local and national news. I think the whole therapeutic point was not toteach history, but rather to direct some of that navel-gazing/sociopathic/schizophrenic/bipolar behavior outward and reorient them to a sense of person, place and time.


I have
become "that patient" needing psych interventions.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming, which includes today's Pointless Thesis Topics With Jamie. Today's topic, "Popeye the Sailor Man: Political and Cultural Implications For Depression Age America."

(No seriously, like just about any non-relevant-to-the-real-world topic out there, while watching some old school Popeye cartoons this weekend, I delved back into my graduate school, deconstruct-a-peanutbutter-sandwich-if-you-must mode, and figured there's something going on with Popeye, some connection with a primal American morality... An anti-hero precursor to the Marvel Comicbook superhero, perhaps. Any way, ideas like this is why I belong sequestered away from normal people with day jobs and good work ethics.)


Blogger Zwieblein said...

At least you do more than talk about your cold; I really can't seem to get off the topic. I (heart) fluids.

10:58 AM  

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