Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Latinam est gaudium et utilis

So I forgot in all my work-related misery what it was I originally intended to post, back in the balmy morn when I thought I was actually going to get lunch and dinner.

I had another geeky dream last night. Where it came from I have no idea, because I was studying cardiac meds and EKG interpretations right before I went to bed, not Classics. Any way, last night I dreamt I was translating Latin sentences out of Wheelock's Latin. As usual, the sentences were war-themed with the occasional philosophical bit thrown in for good measure. And I felt all warm and fuzzy inside, because I had finished the entire book and was now doing the extra bits in the back of the book.

Dude, I'm not saying in my predilication for pointless pedantry is healthy.

I am saying I need to dream about something halfway normal, like vacationing the South of France, or winning Powerball. Because who the hell dreams about Latin homework?


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